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With recent global health issues, and their effects on the markets, you may have questions or concerns regarding your finances. Grimes Financial is available to help you. A financial advisor can help you stay the course or make necessary adjustments based on your unique situation. Individuals, families and businesses effectively pursue long term financial goals through carefully crafted and maintained strategies by our financial advisors. This is not our first market storm and it will not be our last. Well-structured, long terms plans should not be abandoned however for short term conditions.

Setting aside business and economics for a moment, we would like to share a few thoughts on how to cope with today’s challenges. We are not in a dismissive “don’t worry, do nothing” mindset. It seems  clear that one component of the coronavirus that is creating a negative ripple effect is fear and anxiety. It is human nature. When there is uncertainly, there is stress. We are creatures of habit who do not adapt easily when our lives are disrupted and we are instinctively inclined to self-preservation, for ourselves and for our loved ones. One way to combat a sense of powerlessness is to take action.

Aside from following direction from public health officials, what can we do today? Evaluate your personal health status and abilities. If we are blessed to be of good health and with access to resources (faith, friends, time, funds, transportation, etc.) than we are positioned to help those more vulnerable. A few ideas:

  • Check on older adults and those with chronic illnesses. Grocery or pharmacy pickups, meal deliveries or just a phone call to combat isolation may be needed. We have a great opportunity for neighbors to help neighbors.
  • Support your local food banks. Hunger is an ongoing issue and food banks are ramping up in the event of additional needs. Even a short-term school closure results in children missing school meals.
  • Donate blood. Per,  “Healthy, eligible individuals are strongly urged to donate to avoid potential shortages”. The last thing we need to worry about Is not having enough blood for those in need.
  • Start discussions withing your church and social groups on how to best serve vulnerable populations. Brainstorm how family and friends can lend a hand. Perhaps churches and groups could help coordinate connection of needs to volunteers via text, phone and email. Get creative and involve children. A handmade card in the mail would bring a smile to nursing home resident not able to receive visitors.
  • Financially support credible non-profits with infrastructure already in place to quickly identify and serve individuals and families in need of funds and services.
  • Show appreciation and patience when interacting with health care workers. They are on the front lines and already battling flu season. Health care workers hold hands, take pulses, examine sick bodies without regard for “social distancing”. Health care workers do not step back from risk and we need to step up with respect due.

So, just a few thoughts for your consideration. Stay informed but do more than feed on news and social media around the clock. In short, direct your coronavirus anxiety to action by lending a helping hand and guess what? When this season of uncertainty has passed, and it will pass, keep doing it. That’s a challenge that we hope you join us in taking.

Be well and don’t hesitate to let the Grimes Financial family know how we can be of service to you and yours.


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Phone: (336)-249-2723, Fax: (336) 249-2727, Email:

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Grimes Financial Services